The Disclaimer

First, and foremost please note that I am not Gigi Edgley! Yes, I know I'm stating the obvious but you would not believe how many people mistaken me for Gigi. So let's get that out in the open at the beggining. Furthermore, I do not know Gigi in person! I do not have any means of communication with her, and I cannot forward her your message.

This website does not represent Gigi's views, opinions or beliefs. She does not own this website and has no controll over the contents of this site. This is purely a fan based project which is not intendent to represent Gigi, but constiture a tribute to her and her work.

Gigi Edgley Fan Page exists thanks to help and contributions from other fans. The images and other content on this website are the property of the respective authors as noted. If you want to use the images or other works contained here, you must seek permision from the rightfull owner of the said work. I cannot grant you permission to use their property on their behalf.

Please feel free to use any contents of this website which are authored or atributed to me. I only ask that you give me credit for the work, and lin to my siteif you do. Note that any existing trademarks and copyright on said items still aply, as I have no controll over these things. Farscape, Chiana, Beastmaster etc.. are registered trademarks of apropriate entities as noted on the website. Use of any trademarked or copyrighted materials on this website is not intended to infringe on the said trademarks and copyright atributuions. If you find any infringing materials on this website let me know immidiately, and they will be prompty removed.

I also extend you a permission to use any items or materials authored or atributed to un4scene on her behalf. However, if you decide to use the said items, it would be curteous to drop her a note, and let her know that you are using her work.

Please do not hot-link/remote-load images from this website. My bandwidth is very limited as it is, and such procedure is depleting it rather quickly. Furthermore it is very rude and inconsiderate. Please download the images and place them on your own server or hosting space before using them on your webpage or as an avatar for a message board.